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The Real Deal

There were several things that happened today and the last few days that led to a culmination of what I wanted to write about.

I thought about why we don't talk to each other more about our fears, sorrows and joys. Why we hide so much of each other and what we put on others when they try? It sometimes becomes like a sparring match to see who's left standing. I thought about how different this world would be if we didn't do those things. If we relentlessly tried to hear what the other person was saying, and really tried to be vehicles for all that is good in this space time continum. I mean, if we really tried to understand what the next person was saying or feeling without the its not my problem, its their lesson not mine, telling them to go pray in any shape or form, advicing them to do some form of program that did not call for our support and when, and if, we prayed for them in any way, we prayed for the answer to what we could do, instead of what some higher power--that, if you believe there is one, brought us into the situation--should do. If everyone really started talking with each, what would it be like?

Along time ago I had an idea to write a story about a world where everyone knew each other's thinking and what that would be like. Probably 90 people will now steal my idea, but, if you do, it probably would not be the same story that I would tell, but at least note that you got the idea here. : ) My story goes like this. We are all doing that anyway. We don't admit it. We think we can hide it. It makes us nervous, when someone realizes what we want to hide (so half of us walk around playing stupid or shut off that we know what we know and that others know we know, until it is pretty damn hard to even remember that we knew), and some times we will do our darnest to cover it up, even if it means cutting off our nose to spite our face and hurting those we care about besides.

I thought about this pass it forward thing. What if everyone decided that with the people around them they would determine to help them solve whatever, as if it were as important to them as the skin they live in and their own breadth? What would that be like? What if we decided that everyone around us was as important as our family?

I thought about the most important thing that I heard growing up Jewish. It seems that in the orthodox Jewish tradition (this is not to convert anyone to anything, but a bit of thought)it really does not matter what you believe about God or whether you even believe he exists. What does matter is one's good works. In other words, the blessings one brings to others.

The other day a friend told me how the employees under her thought she was so real. Why? Just because, when people talked with her, she did not get defensive with a how dare you talk to me that way attitude like a lot of bosses do. I was talking with someone today at work, who said something to me about getting the real deal, and I looked at her and said, "That's right. I'm the real deal." It was a joke, and we both laughed. But, I thought, yah, to be the real deal. Well, I'm trying and sometimes I fall flat on my nose. But ya know, it ain't an honor to be bestowed on one. Let's share it and pass it on. Who knows what can happen? Maybe, you'll get lucky and be the thousandth monkey (re: sidebar).


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