This is an interesting time for me. A friend I had not spoken to showed up after ten years. And another person who I had not spoken to for 23 years, before I lived in Japan, I found on the Internet, so this holiday season, I am pulling up threads. In Japanese, they say a red thread to signify the connections between people. It is so strange sometimes when then occurs, it is like no time has gone by and, yet, so much has gone by, so I wrote this poem:
For A Friend Returned I am sitting here stuck wanting to finish this letter, wanting to continue, waiting to continue a conversation of fragments. Fragments in my mind like schrap metal. It is hard to remove the broken story lingering there— a splotch of paint here, another there red, yellow, blue, primary colors and mixes and hues, they are spread out on my pallet, but my tongue recedes from the words and my fingers kiss the keys like a piano’s song to write this. But, they do no...
This site is about metaphor in many forms to allow you some space to think more deeply about yourself and the life we are living in this moment in time.