I think this is the gist of it! No? This week I heard a lot of talk about gratitude.....having a great attitude. In the conversation, was the fact that medical research has shown that gratitude can actually affect one's blood vessels, so that they relax and are not constricted and that music can do the same. Well, I decided that I would make a gratitude journal starting this Thanksgiving and I have the new notebook to do it with made from not recyclable paper, but banana paper (go online and look you can find notebooks made from all kinds of paper). So I am going to make an experiment and keep this journal going for one year, by just jotting down a few quick notes about things I feel gratiful for every day before sleep and even on the worst of days! Anyone want to join me? Have a great Thanksgiving.
This site is about metaphor in many forms to allow you some space to think more deeply about yourself and the life we are living in this moment in time.