Just to give you more of an understanding of the manipulations of the Christian religion by Constantine. The rulings during the time of Constantine not only took the cross to the battlefield, from then forward, as the symbol of Christianity, he also was responsible for things like nullifying any thoughts and discussions by Christian domain about the significance of reincarnation, as many places in the bible point to, solidified doctrines that made Christians believe that they were separate from God and must follow in a certain manner or they were heretics and doomed to hell, and bridged the thinking that Jesus was the only son of God. All of this done by one man's fanatical need for control and threats of ostracism and death, starting with a mystical vision that he interpreted literally. Have things changed so much in our present age? If you want to read about reincarnation in the Bible and how this all came about there are excellent articles at: http://reluctant-messenger.com/...
This site is about metaphor in many forms to allow you some space to think more deeply about yourself and the life we are living in this moment in time.